Stress & Its Causes
- There are two types of stress: distress (bad stress that causes negative feelings and dis-ease) and eustress (good stress that causes positive feelings and motivation).
- Discussing about the stresses that the participants face.
- Discussing about burn-out and how it is different from stress (which is more permanent and pervasive).
Impacts of Stress
- Discussing about the chemicals involved and the natural peaks in the day.
- Understanding how the different chemicals trigger fight or flight responses, create short term thinking (not good for problem solving that the stressful situations require) and how they keep the parasympathetic system (crucial for good health, e.g. needed to digest food and store memories) switched off.
Reducing Stress, Routines & Plans
- Studying the well documented benefits of mindfulness (aware of how you are feeling, what you are thinking, and where your attention is) physical exercise, morning routines, meditation, belief remapping, and energy techniques (e.g. tapping or visualizing the feeling and moving it).
- We then make a plan of a feasible morning routine. It can be built upon and an ‘emergency’ go to technique in case overwhelm, panic, or stress strikes.
Reflection & Action Planning
- You reflect on what you wish to gain from today (which you looked at in the beginning of the course).
- You advize yourself on the one to three things that you aim to do differently in order to get back to work, and how you will get back on track in case you forget.
- Willingness to share feelings in a group situation.
- People who work in highly changing and fast moving environments where competing priorities, vague goals and moving targets are common.
- People who often experience any of the following: headaches, stomach ache, worry, fear, imposter syndrome, lethargy, overwhelm, and unsettled relationships.
Erfahrungsberichte (2)
Die SMART Goal-Sitzung war der angenehmste Teil der Schulung, der mir geholfen hat, meine Zeit richtig einzuteilen. Sie hat mir geholfen, meine Ziele klarer zu formulieren, und ich konnte wirklich sehen, dass die Festlegung von SMART Goal sich auf fast alles beziehen kann, wie Finance, soziales Leben, Karriere und persönliches Wachstum.
Manot Sae - MVCI (Thailand) Limited
Kurs - Workshop: Boost your productivity with this new method!
Maschinelle Übersetzung
Ich mochte das Engagement der Trainerin und wie ihre Energie auch die Teilnehmer miteinbezog. Das Training war interessant, mit vielen praktischen Fakten und Beispielen, praktischen Übungen. Es war großartig!
Jelizaveta (Liza) - ASSTRA Forwarding AG
Kurs - Stress Management and Prevention
Maschinelle Übersetzung