Course Outline

Artificial Intelligence History

  • Intelligent Agents

Problem Solving

  • Solving Problems by Searching
  • Beyond Classical Search
  • Adversarial Search
  • Constraint Satisfaction Problems

Knowledge and Reasoning

  • Logical Agents
  • First-Order Logic
  • Inference in First-Order Logic
  • Classical Planning
  • Planning and Acting in the Real World
  • Knowledge Representation

Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning

  • Quantifying Uncertainty
  • Probabilistic Reasoning
  • Probabilistic Reasoning over Time
  • Making Simple Decisions
  • Making Complex Decisions


  • Learning from Examples
  • Knowledge in Learning
  • Learning Probabilistic Models
  • Reinforcement Learning

Communicating, Perceiving, and Acting;

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Natural Language for Communication
  • Perception
  • Robotics


  • Philosophical Foundations
  • AI: The Present and Future


General knowledge of computing, biology, mathematics and physics

 7 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant (excl. VAT)

Testimonials (3)

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