Course Outline

Overview of Software Development Process and Modelling

  • Methodologies and their impact on the work of a Business Analyst
  • Waterfall steps Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, Maintenance
  • Agile approach to business analysis
  • Who Are Business Analysts?
  • Perspective on the BA Role
  • The Dynamic (Behavioral) Model
  • The Static (Structural) Model
  • Structured Analysis

The BA’s Perspective on Object Orientation

  • Object Oriented Programming and its impact on modelling
  • The UML Standard
  • Cognitive Psychology and OO?
  • Objects
  • Attributes and Operations
  • Operations and Methods
  • Encapsulation
  • Classes
  • Relationships
  • Generalization
  • Association
  • Aggregation
  • Composition
  • Polymorphism
  • Use Cases and Scenarios
  • Business and System Use Cases

An Overview of Business Object-Oriented Modeling (B.O.O.M.)

  • B.O.O.M. and SDLCs
  • The B.O.O.M. Steps
  • Sequencing the Steps
  • What Do You Define First—Attributes or Operations?

Analyzing End-to-End Business Processes

  • Interviews During the Initiation, Analysis, and Test Phases
  • Step 1: Initiation
  • Business Requirements Document Template
  • Step 1a: Model Business Use Cases
  • Step 1a i: Identify Business Use Cases (Business Use-Case Diagram)
  • Putting Theory into Practice
  • Note to Rational Rose Users
  • Case Study D1: Business Use-Case Diagrams
  • Step 1a ii: Scope Business Use Cases (Activity Diagram)
  • Case Study D2: Business Use-Case Activity Diagram with Partitions

Scoping the IT Project with System Use Cases

  • Step 1b: Model System Use Cases
  • Case Study E1: Role Map
  • Step 1b ii: Identify System Use-Case Packages (System Use-Case Diagram)
  • Case Study E2: System Use-Case Packages
  • Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram)
  • Case Study E3: System Use-Case Diagrams
  • Step 1c: Begin Static Model (Class Diagrams for Key Business Classes)
  • Step 1d: Set Baseline for Analysis (BRD/Initiation)

Storyboarding the User’s Experience

  • Step 2: Analysis
  • The Use-Case Description Template
  • Documenting the Basic Flow
  • Use-Case Writing Guidelines
  • Basic Flow Example: CPP System Review Case Report
  • Documenting Alternate Flows
  • Documenting Exception Flows
  • Guidelines for Conducting System Use-Case Interviews
  • Activity Diagrams for System Use Cases
  • Related Artifacts
  • Decision Tables
  • Case Study F1: Decision Table
  • Decision Trees
  • Case Study F2: Decision Tree
  • Condition/Response Table
  • Business Rules
  • Advanced Use-Case Features
  • Case Study F3: Advanced Use-Case Features

Life Cycle Requirements for Key Business Objects

  • What Is a State Machine Diagram?
  • Step 2a ii: 1. Identify States of Critical Objects
  • Case Study G1: States
  • Step 2a ii: 2. Identify State Transitions
  • Case Study G2: Transitions
  • Step 2a ii: 3. Identify State Activities
  • Case Study G3: State Activities
  • Step 2a ii: 4. Identify Composite States
  • Case Study G4: Composite States
  • Step 2a ii: 5. Identify Concurrent States

Gathering Across-the-Board Rules with Class Diagrams

  • Step 2b: Static Analysis
  • Step 2b i: Identify Entity Classes
  • Case Study H1: Entity Classes
  • Step 2b ii: Model Generalizations
  • Case Study H2: Generalizations
  • Step 2b iii: Model Transient Roles
  • Case Study H3: Transient Roles
  • Step 2b iv: Model Whole/Part Relationships
  • The Composite Structure Diagram
  • Case Study H4: Whole/Part Relationships
  • Step 2b v: Analyze Associations
  • Case Study H5: Associations
  • Step 2b vi: Analyze Multiplicity
  • Case Study H6: Multiplicity

Optimizing Consistency and Reuse in Requirements Documentation

  • Step 2b vii: Link System Use Cases to the Static Model
  • Case Study I1: Link System Use Cases to the Static Model
  • Case Study I1: Results
  • Step 2b viii: Add Attributes
  • Meta-Attributes
  • Case Study I2: Add Attributes
  • Step 2b ix: Add Look-Up Tables
  • Case Study I5: Analyze Look-Up Tables
  • Step 2b x: Add Operations
  • Case Study I7: Distribute Operations
  • Step 2b xi: Revise Class Structure
  • Case Study I8: Revise Structure

Designing Test Cases and Completing the Project

  • Step 2c: Specify Testing
  • Structured Walkthroughs
  • Decision Tables for Testing
  • Case Study J1: Deriving Test Cases from Decision Tables
  • Boundary Value Analysis
  • Case Study J2: Select Test Data Using Boundary Value Analysis
  • System Tests
  • Beyond the System Tests
  • Step 2d: Specify Implementation Plan
  • Step 2e: Set Baseline for Development

What Developers Do with Your Requirements

  • Object Oriented Design Patterns
  • Visibility
  • Control Classes
  • Boundary Classes
  • Sequence Diagrams
  • Communication Diagrams
  • Other Diagrams
  • Layered Architecture
  • Interfaces
  • Mix-Ins
  • Implementing OO Using an OO Language
  • Implementing OOA Using Procedural Languages
  • Implementing a Database from OOA Using a RDBMS
 21 Hours

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