Course Outline

Introduction to VBA

  • Introducing the VBA environment
  • VB Editor
  • Using Project Explorer
  • Toolbox
  • Modules
  • Procedures and Functions
  • Comments

Principles and concepts of programming

  • Data types, variables and constants
  • Program flow control
  • If…Then… Else
  • Do…Loop, While and Until
  • For…Next statements 
  • Input / Output, Message boxes, Input boxes
  • Code behind forms, Form controls manipulation
  • Passing arguments, Returning Values


  • Run Time, Design Time, and Break Mode
  • Breaks and Watches
  • Local Window
  • Immediate Window

Access - Object-Oriented Programming

  • Access object model
  • Objects, Collections
  • Events
  • Methods and properties
  • Data Access Object Library

Access User Interface Design

  • Programming event procedures
  • Dynamic combo boxes
  • User inputs
  • Interface design considerations
  • Menus

Access SQL & Database Design

  • Filtering – various Where clause options
  • Deriving data - calculated fields
  • Inner table joins
  • Outer table joins
  • Sub-queries – filtering, virtual tables and columns,
  • Creating – adding rows directly or via queries
  • Updating and Deleting - directly and via sub-queries
  • Creating and Dropping tables
  • Creating relationships
  • Use of primary and foreign keys

Excel - Object-Oriented Programming

  • Excel object model
  • Objects, Collections
  • Events
  • Methods and properties

Excel – Programming Analysis Routines

  • Sorting, filtering and distributing data between worksheets and workbooks
  • Using VBA to control charts
  • Using VBA to control pivot tables
  • Using VBA to control What If scenarios
  • Importing from external files, internet et cetera

Error Handling

  • Stepping through code
  • Finding syntax errors
  • Using Debug.Print
  • Building error-trapping routines


Delegates should be comfortable using Excel formula, sorting filtering, charts, pivot tables et cetera. With Access, they should be able to maintain tables, queries, forms and reports.

 21 Hours

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Price per participant (excl. VAT)

Testimonials (3)

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