Course Outline


  • History of Lean: The Toyota Production System
  • Lean Manufacturing vs Lean Distribution

Lean Distribution Concepts

  • Lean change and distribution
  • Distribution operations improvement
  • The framework for Lean Distribution
  • Distribution challenges
  • Distribution optimization
  • Business process transformation
  • ERP transformation

Lean Distribution Methodology

  • Lean capabilities
  • Customer service policy
  • Buffer strategy
  • Replenishment cycles
  • The pull approach

Preparing for Lean Distribution

  • Planning a Lean transformation
  • Taking inventory of the process
  • Calculating the total cost of fulfillment
  • Defining KPIs according to the client
  • Observing transactional-level details from receipt to delivery
  • Overcoming resistance
  • Preparing a pilot project

Questions to Ask

  • The Five Whys
  • Identifying probable cause - beyond symptoms and uncovering root causes of problems
  • The cause and effect diagram

Implementing Lean Distribution

  • Assembling the teams
  • Measuring and adjusting
  • Eliminating waste
  • Just-in-time delivery
  • Minimizing human effort
  • Prioritizing safety and cleanliness

Improving the Flow of Inventory

  • Improving events is not enough
  • Providing vision and plans to connect improvement activities
  • Value Stream Mapping (VSM)

Lean Tools for the Warehouse

  • Pareto analysis – what are the big problems?
  • Cause and effect diagram – what’s causing the problem?
  • Stratification – how is the data made up?
  • Check sheet – how often does it occur?
  • Histograms – what is the overall variation?
  • Scatter charts – what are the relationships between the factors?
  • Process control chart – which variations to control and how?

Assessing the Results of Lean

  • Lean maturity matrix
  • Tracking performance
  • Benchmarking against other companies
  • Continuous monitoring and improvement

Developing Lean Leaders

  • Creating a Lean leadership team
  • Creating a succession system

Complimentary Methodologies

  • Agile and Scrum
  • Six Sigma

Closing Remarks


  • A desire to develop people, improve efficiency, and eliminate waste in distribution and supply chain operations.


  • Managers and professionals responsible for implementing lean principles in distribution, logistics and supply chain operations
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant (excl. VAT)

Testimonials (2)

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